Sunday, January 18, 2009

A.J. is TWO!!!

AJ turns 2 tomorrow, so I figured I would tell you about my little nephew. What can I say about this kid?!? He is the only grandson on the Thomas side, and he sure does know how to be a boy! He is quiet all the time so you really never know if he is getting into something or just being content. Just be careful when you let him outside...he can be gone in a second, and he has no fear so LOOK out!! He's a little guy, but he started out that way so if he takes after his dad we will have to just wait and see (and I mean WAIT)lol. He loves to watch Madagascar, Cars, and I'm sure more but I know those two for sure. Anyway, I'm getting wore out just thinking about keeping up with him. But, we love the little guy and hope he has a good birthday!!


Thomas Family said...

Thanks Vic. We love you guys. Come see us

Burgundy said...

Vic, Your a great Aunt!!

Janet said...

Isn't it fun to share cousin's celebrations together as a family. Your whole family is a great example of doing that!
By the way, your sharing time was sooooooooo good on Sunday. I appreciate you more than you will ever know.